

So attractive! You picked up a piece of Salvage with the magnet 40
Ready for take-off You rebuilt the spaceship 150
Bring Marshmallows! You went into the volcano 50
Power Core Collector You found 15 Power Cores in the campaign 55
Goldrush You got gold on Downhill Rush 30
Slide to Win You got gold on Sunny Slide 40
To fly or not to fly You got gold on Cliff Land 100
Island Hopper You landed on all the floating islands above Race Island in one session 35
Hot Air You crashed into the blimp 35
Best view in town You landed on the lighthouse on Race Island 50
Moby Dick You bumped into the whales 40
Sharing is Caring You shared a vehicle in the Gallery 40
Car Collector You downloaded a vehicle from the Gallery 30
Monster! You killed 8 chickens in one session 35
Sonic Boom You broke the sound barrier 70
Man in Black You flew through the rings of fire in one session 40
Problem Solver You completed all ball puzzles on Sandbox Island in one session 80
Leonardo da Vinci You stayed in the air for 1 minute without using power cores 80


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最終更新:2020年01月30日 18:23