バートラム・フィドルの冒険 エピソード2:惨々たる誤算


No Walls Can Hold Me Escape from jail 50
Something Strange About This Place Reach Wretchedly Hall 50
More Than One Way To Wash A Cat Defeat Marvo 50
World's Leading Adventurerer Complete the adventure! 50
Inexplicable Meat Making Make a meat friend 100
Tea Connoisseur Beyond Compare Drink tea from every tea-making machine 100
Diligent Pigeon Botherer Kick pigeons in each scene they appear 100
Superior Gossipmonger Talk to different characters in the game 100

Exceptional Soap Selling Call every potential soap customer 200
Peerless Scientific Experimentification Try all potions in Dr Jeckyll's Lab 200


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最終更新:2019年05月23日 01:11