Active Neurons 3 - Wonders Of The World


  • 日本語訳あり
  • メインメニュー画面で「世界の七不思議」か「新世界の七不思議」かを選べるが、この"新"は旧来の世界の七不思議とは別の七不思議という事を意味しており、NEWGAMEというわけではないので注意。

Great Pyramid of Giza Build Pyramids 60
Hanging Gardens of Babylon Build Hanging Gardens of Babylon 60
Statue of Zeus at Olympia Build Statue of Zeus at Olympia 60
Temple of Artemis Build Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 60
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Build Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 60
Colossus of Rhodes Build Colossus of Rhodes 60
Lighthouse of Alexandria Build Lighthouse of Alexandria 70
Colosseum Build Colosseum 80
Great Wall of China Build Great Wall of China 80
Machu Picchu Build Machu Picchu 80
Petra Build Petra 80
Taj Mahal Build Taj Mahal 80
Chichen Itza Build Chichen Itza 80
Christ the Redeemer Build Christ the Redeemer 90


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最終更新:2022年08月13日 01:39