Seasons after Fall


An awakening What's on the surface? 30
A sign You're not alone anymore... 90
A nightmare Enter an unfamiliar place. 30
A prison Return to an unfamiliar place. 30
A return Bring "something very precious" to the Sanctuary. 90
Seasons after Fall It's not quite the end. 90
Sylvan dream Find a place to sleep in the Sylvan dream. 30
Muddy dream Find a place to sleep in the Muddy dream. 30
Winding dream Find a place to sleep in the Winding dream. 30
Airborne dream Find a place to sleep in the Airborne dream. 30
Misty altar Activate this altar to invoke the Guardian of Winter. 30
Sunken altar Activate this altar to invoke the Guardian of the Fall. 30
Obscured altar Activate this altar to invoke the Guardian of Spring. 30
Lofty altar Activate this altar to invoke the Guardian of Summer. 30
Winter fresco Use the Winter fragment to reveal this fresco. 30
Fall fresco Use the Autumn fragment to reveal this fresco. 30
Spring fresco Use the Spring fragment to reveal this fresco. 30
Summer fresco Use the Summer fragment to reveal this fresco. 30
A bird In the Woods of the Ancestors, listen carefully, find the bird and keep very still. 90
A reunion The End. 90
A beautiful bouquet Explore the Forest and make all the flowers bloom. 100


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最終更新:2017年12月10日 20:23