
Terraria」(2023/05/08 (月) 18:16:43) の最新版変更点



Terraria 項目数:39(30+3+3+3) 総ポイント:1290(1000+110+90+90) 難易度:★★★☆☆(360版データがあれば★-1) 発売日:2014年11月14日 価格:$19.99 製品情報:マーケットプレース [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/store/p/Terraria/BTNPS60N3114]] バージョンアップにより収集系の実績にかかる時間がさらに増えた。 協力者がいる場合や360版のデータがあれば引継ぎができるため多少楽になる。 360版で実績をコンプリートしたデータを引き継いた場合、かかる時間は数時間~長くとも十数時間程度。 説明文は異なるが実績内容がほぼ同じため実績解除方法は360版を参考にするとよい http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/1901.html Slimer、Marathon Runnerなど一部の実績は進捗状況が表示されるようになった。 360版に比べ解像度と描画距離が向上しているが、UIの表示が相応に小さくなっているため、 環境によっては文字が見えづらいことがあるので注意。 ポーズ中にLT/RTで画面の拡大縮小ができるがUIの大きさは変更されない。 |Terraria Expert|You have completed the tutorial!|5| |Terraria Student|You have begun the tutorial!|5| |Home Sweet Home|The Guide has moved in!|50| |All in the Family|Every NPC has moved in!|25| |Rock Bottom|You have reached the bottom of the World!|25| |Exterminator|You have defeated every boss!|75| |Slimer|You have killed every type of slime!|25| |Challenge Accepted|You have unlocked Hard Mode!|25| |Maxed Out|You have the maximum health and mana!|40| |Corruptible|Your World is Corrupt!|25| |Hallowed Be Thy Name|Your World is Hallowed!|25| |Ophthalmologist|You have defeated The Twins!|40| |Bona Fide|You have defeated Skeletron Prime!|40| |Ride the Worm|You have defeated The Destroyer!|40| |Marathon Runner|You have traveled over 42km on the ground!|50| |Landscaper|You have removed more than 10,000 blocks!|40| |Crowd Control|You have defeated the Goblin Army!|40| |Survivor|You survived the first night!|25| |Icarus|You can only go down from here!|25| |Vanity of Vanities|Looking good!|15| |Pet Hoarder|You seem to like pets.|25| |Be Prepared|You are ready for battle!|40| |Airtime!|Enjoy the view.|25| |Blacksmith|You are a master smith!|40| |I'm Smelting!|You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal!|50| |A Knight in Shining Armors|You have obtained every type of armor.|40| |Engineer|You have placed 100 wires!|25| |Red Moon Rises|You have survived the Blood Moon!|25| |Crafty|You have used every crafting station!|50| |To Hell and Back|You have gone to The Underworld and back without dying!|40| Journey's End(無料アップデート) |Fae Flayer|Defeat the Empress of Light, responsible for all those flashy lights and glitter.|40| |Infinity +1 Sword|Obtain the Zenith, the culmination of a journey forged into the ultimate sword.|50| |Dead Men Tell No Tales|You were so preoccupied with whether you could, that you didn't stop to think if you should.|20| Don't Starve Together(無料アップデート) |Just Desserts|Defeat Queen Slime, giving the coup-de-grace to the sovereign of all that jiggles.|40| |Boots of the Hero|Obtain the Terraspark Boots, forged from the finest boots of fire and ice.|25| |Hey! Listen!|Encounter a fairy.|25| Labor of Love(無料アップデート) |An Eye For An Eye|Defeat Deerclops, the chilly one-eyed monstrosity from a foreign land.|40| |Feast of Midas|Obtain Golden Delight, the highest quality meal made from the highest quality... ingredients.|25| |Unusual Survival Strategies|Delay death from drowning by drinking water. It makes no sense, but you did what you had to do.|25| ----- -Corruptible -Hallowed Be Thy Name アップデート後に修正が入ったのか2019年現在は50%侵食ではなく40%でよい 結局の所地獄部分、ジャングル部分、地表部分を全部破壊しただけでは足りない。 かなりの作業時間が要求せれるため解除可能ワールドを持っている 人を探す方が圧倒的に早い
Terraria 項目数:39(30+3+3+3) 総ポイント:1290(1000+110+90+90) 難易度:★★★☆☆(360版データがあれば★-1) 発売日:2014年11月14日 価格:$19.99 製品情報:Microsoft Store [[https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/terraria/btnps60n3114]] バージョンアップにより収集系の実績にかかる時間がさらに増えた。 協力者がいる場合や360版のデータがあれば引継ぎができるため多少楽になる。 360版で実績をコンプリートしたデータを引き継いた場合、かかる時間は数時間~長くとも十数時間程度。 説明文は異なるが実績内容がほぼ同じため実績解除方法は360版を参考にするとよい http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/1901.html Slimer、Marathon Runnerなど一部の実績は進捗状況が表示されるようになった。 360版に比べ解像度と描画距離が向上しているが、UIの表示が相応に小さくなっているため、 環境によっては文字が見えづらいことがあるので注意。 ポーズ中にLT/RTで画面の拡大縮小ができるがUIの大きさは変更されな。 また、日本ストアに配信されていないが海外ストアにて配信されていた本作に日本語が追加された。 https://twitter.com/takumishiina117/status/1653803434213277696?t=7TZgD4VkM5t217_0Vv5U7Q&s=19 |Terraria Expert|You have completed the tutorial!|5| |Terraria Student|You have begun the tutorial!|5| |Home Sweet Home|The Guide has moved in!|50| |All in the Family|Every NPC has moved in!|25| |Rock Bottom|You have reached the bottom of the World!|25| |Exterminator|You have defeated every boss!|75| |Slimer|You have killed every type of slime!|25| |Challenge Accepted|You have unlocked Hard Mode!|25| |Maxed Out|You have the maximum health and mana!|40| |Corruptible|Your World is Corrupt!|25| |Hallowed Be Thy Name|Your World is Hallowed!|25| |Ophthalmologist|You have defeated The Twins!|40| |Bona Fide|You have defeated Skeletron Prime!|40| |Ride the Worm|You have defeated The Destroyer!|40| |Marathon Runner|You have traveled over 42km on the ground!|50| |Landscaper|You have removed more than 10,000 blocks!|40| |Crowd Control|You have defeated the Goblin Army!|40| |Survivor|You survived the first night!|25| |Icarus|You can only go down from here!|25| |Vanity of Vanities|Looking good!|15| |Pet Hoarder|You seem to like pets.|25| |Be Prepared|You are ready for battle!|40| |Airtime!|Enjoy the view.|25| |Blacksmith|You are a master smith!|40| |I'm Smelting!|You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal!|50| |A Knight in Shining Armors|You have obtained every type of armor.|40| |Engineer|You have placed 100 wires!|25| |Red Moon Rises|You have survived the Blood Moon!|25| |Crafty|You have used every crafting station!|50| |To Hell and Back|You have gone to The Underworld and back without dying!|40| Journey's End(無料アップデート) |Fae Flayer|Defeat the Empress of Light, responsible for all those flashy lights and glitter.|40| |Infinity +1 Sword|Obtain the Zenith, the culmination of a journey forged into the ultimate sword.|50| |Dead Men Tell No Tales|You were so preoccupied with whether you could, that you didn't stop to think if you should.|20| Don't Starve Together(無料アップデート) |Just Desserts|Defeat Queen Slime, giving the coup-de-grace to the sovereign of all that jiggles.|40| |Boots of the Hero|Obtain the Terraspark Boots, forged from the finest boots of fire and ice.|25| |Hey! Listen!|Encounter a fairy.|25| Labor of Love(無料アップデート) |An Eye For An Eye|Defeat Deerclops, the chilly one-eyed monstrosity from a foreign land.|40| |Feast of Midas|Obtain Golden Delight, the highest quality meal made from the highest quality... ingredients.|25| |Unusual Survival Strategies|Delay death from drowning by drinking water. It makes no sense, but you did what you had to do.|25| ----- -Corruptible -Hallowed Be Thy Name アップデート後に修正が入ったのか2019年現在は50%侵食ではなく40%でよい 結局の所地獄部分、ジャングル部分、地表部分を全部破壊しただけでは足りない。 かなりの作業時間が要求せれるため解除可能ワールドを持っている 人を探す方が圧倒的に早い

