「Rare Replay」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Rare Replay」(2023/01/27 (金) 13:55:15) の最新版変更点



Rare Replay 項目数:200 総ポイント:4000 (+360タイトル 6050) 難易度:★★★★☆ 収録タイトル中、360でリリースされたものに関しては後方互換で作動する。 そのため実績も360時代のものを共有するので、過去に該当タイトルをプレイしていると 価格対実績は悪くなるが、プレーヤーランク実績の獲得やレアリプレイのコンプは早まる。 本タイトルをコンプするには、スタンプ330個が必要になる。 この条件を満たすには、 -レトロタイトルのスナップショット、マイルストーンのコンプ -N64と初代Xboxタイトルのマイルストーンのコンプ -360互換タイトルの実績を75%以上解除(ガレージ大作戦のみ750/1250で可) それを加味すると、Jet Force Gemini、Blast Corps、 バトルトードの「Beyond the Impossible」、グーリーズの「Amber Warning」 純粋に難しいパーフェクトダーク2本、時間の掛かるピニャータ2本辺りが鬼門になってくる。 任意セーブ可能なレトロゲームの回数系実績はセーブ&ロードで簡単に回数を稼げる。 但しLTの巻き戻しではカウントは蓄積されない。 また残機無限などのゲーム内チートを使用しても実績を解除できるので難易度を下げることができる。 パーフェクトダークゼロはレアリプレイに付随する「レアリプレイロゴあり」のものは、日本ストアでDLしても英語版オンリー。 だが、通常の360互換のもの(ロゴなし)は日本ストアでDLすると日本語版になる。 余談になるが今作のDL版を購入している場合、ゴールデンアイ007が無料でDL出来るようになる。 但し、上記は非ローカライズ且つ実績非対応となる。 -360後方互換起動(360wikiへリンク) --[[Perfect Dark Zero>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/31.html]] --[[パーフェクトダーク>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/969.html]] --[[バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/555.html]] --[[バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険2>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/739.html]] --[[バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険:ガレージ大作戦>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/588.html]](感染実績有) --[[あつまれ!ピニャータ>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/112.html]] --[[あつまれ!ピニャータ2>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/506.html]](Oneではカメラ実績30G解除不可) --[[カメオ>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/23.html]] --[[Jetpac Refuelled>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/192.html]](感染実績有) #contents ---- *ゲーム全体 |The Explorer's Diary|Sampled every Sabreman game in the collection.|30| |The Captain's Logs|Sampled every Jetman game in the collection.|30| |The Gardener's Almanac|Sampled every Viva Pinata game in the collection.|30| |The Honey Bear's Tales|Sampled every Banjo game in the collection.|30| |The Operative's Diaries|Sampled every Perfect Dark game in the collection.|30| |The Professor's Memoirs|Sampled every Battletoads game in the collection.|30| |A Great Escape|Complete the Escape Artist Playlist.|30| |Jewel Thief|Complete the Crowing Jewels Playlist.|30| |Fleet-Footed|Complete the Relay Racing Playlist.|30| |And the Kitchen Sink|Complete the Collect-a-thon Playlist.|30| |Taking Point|Complete the Blast Score Playlist.|30| |Long Lifespan|Complete the Precious Seconds Playlist.|30| |Theater Patron|Filled up your first Ticket with Stamps.|10| |Up in the Gods|Earn the Player Rank of Follower.|10| |A Gallery Seat|Earn the Player Rank of "Enthusiast".|20| |A Spot in the Stalls|Earn the Player Rank of "Aficionado".|30| |VIP Box Suite|Earn the Player Rank of "Ambassador".|40| |Backstage Pass|Earn the Player Rank of "Rare Royalty".|50| |The Director's Chair|Viewed all the "Making Of" features in Rare Revealed.|30| |The Production Office|Viewed all of the "Concept Showcases" in Rare Revealed.|30| |The Writer's Room|Viewed all of the "Previously Unseen" features in Rare Revealed.|30| |The Store Cupboard|Viewed all of the "Featurettes" in Rare Revealed.|30| |1-Upmanship|Complete any Playlist without losing a life.|30| |Curtain Call|Watch the credits. They're fun, we promise.|30| |The Orchestra Pit|Listened to all of the "Top-Secret Tunes" in Rare Revealed.|30| |Stampers Forever|Earn the most coveted title in the game!|150| -Backstage Pass MILESTONEの項目やスナップショットをクリアしていくとスタンプが捺され、ランクが上がる。 リプレイ内臓タイトルは実績条件を満たしたり、スナップショットチャレンジをクリアすると授与。 後方互換タイトルは実績値によってスタンプが授与。 XBLAタイトル(JetPac:Re、バンカズ1,2、パーフェクトダーク)は実績15刻みで1つ、150でコンプ。 パッケージタイトルは実績75刻みで1つ、750でコンプ。 -Curtain Call クレジットは最初の画面でスタートボタンを押すと選択できる。 最後まで見終えると解除。 ---- *Atic Atac |Back in Atic|Atic Atac: Play the game for the first time.|15| |You are the Keymaster|Atic Atac: Escape from the castle with any character.|15| |Inventory Management|Atic Atac: Over time, have every holdable item in your inventory.|15| |Redefine Keys|Atic Atac: Use keys to unlock 100 doors over time.|15| |Three-Pronged Atac|Atic Atac: Over time, escape from the castle with all three characters.|15| |A.C.G. Whizz|Complete an Atic Atac snapshot.|10| |Lofty Goals|Complete all of the Atic Atac snapshots.|25| *Battletoads |Do You Have Battletoads?|Battletoads: Play the game for the first time.|15| |The Dark Queen's Lament|Battletoads: Complete every level in the game over time.|15| |Battlemaniacs|Battletoads: Knock down 500 enemies over time.|15| |De-Bug Mode|Battletoads: Eat 50 flies over time.|15| |Gargantuan Score|Battletoads: Get a cumulative total of 1,000,000 points over time.|15| |No Flies On You|Complete a Battletoads snapshot.|10| |Child of the 90s|Complete all of the Battletoads snapshots.|25| |Beyond the Impossible|Battletoads: Complete a loop of Turbo Tunnel Infinite.|30| -The Dark Queen's Lament ボス戦以外はチェックポイントからの戻り復活になるので残機無限でのごり押しが効きにくい。 特にLevel 11が他の乗り物ステージと比べて格段に難しくボス戦までチェックポイントがなく、自機より速い敵に追いつかれないようにゴール地点までいかなければならない。 曲がり角で速度が落ちやすくタイミングよく曲がった時しか自機の速度が速くならないので、曲がるタイミングで一時停止を繰り返しタイヤの向きを確認し進行方向に合わせて移動ボタンを押していけば追いつかれにくくなる。 -Beyond the Impossible SNAPSHOT3でマップをループさせれば解除。 一周させるには約2分15秒経過させる必要がある。SNAPSHOTなので巻き戻し、セーブ&ロードの救済措置が利用できないので難易度はかなり高い。 *Battletoads Arcade |Insert Coin|Battletoads Arcade: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Finish the Fight|Battletoads Arcade: Complete every stage in the game over time.|15| |No Three-Toad Sloth|Battletoads Arcade: Over time, beat the game with all three 'toads.|15| |A Particular Set of Skills|Battletoads Arcade: Over time, defeat 1000 enemies with standard attacks.|15| |Cruel and Unusual Punishments|Battletoads Arcade: Over time, defeat 100 enemies with Smash Hit attacks.|15| |Rash Action|Complete a Battletoads Arcade snapshot.|10| |Quartermaster|Complete all of the Battletoads Arcade snapshots.|25| -Cruel and Unusual Punishments ダウン敵への追撃フィニッシュでカウント。 敵が複数いると、割り込まれたり投げに化けたりしやすいので 意外と意識しないと回数を稼ぎにくい。 *Blast Corps(ブラストドーザー) |Force Feedback|Blast Corps: Play the game for the first time.|20| |Time to Get Movin'!|Blast Corps: Try out every vehicle over time.|20| |Carrier Bagged|Blast Corps: Over time, clear a path for the carrier on every stage.|20| |Renegade Dismantler Corps|Blast Corps: Over time, destroy all buildings on every stage.|20| |RDU, ICU|Blast Corps: Over time, find all the RDUs on every stage.|20| |Corps Blimey, Guvnor!|Blast Corps: Over time, find all the CPs on every stage.|20| |International Rescuers|Blast Corps: Over time, rescue all survivors on every level.|20| |Pedal to the Medal|Blast Corps: Over time, earn a medal on every bonus stage.|20| |Esprit de Corps|Blast Corps: Reach a Rank of 20|20| |Testing Times|Blast Corps: Earn a Platinum Medal.|20| |For Science|Blast Corps: Locate the six missing scientists.|30| |Easter Eggheads|Blast Corps: Cause $30,000,000 of damage in a single stage.|30| -Testing Times いずれかのステージでプラチナメダルを獲得すれば解除。 しかしプラチナメダルが獲得できるようにするには全ステージでゴールドメダルを取得しなければならない。 そのためこの実績が解除できるようになる頃には「Time to Get Movin'!」以外は解除される。 -Time to Get Movin'! 全ての乗り物に乗れば解除。 CRYSTAL RIFTのミニバン(黒色のバン)以外は博士の探索、建物の破壊、RDU起動をこなしていれば乗れる機会がある。 *Cobra Triangle |Getting Your Sea Legs|Cobra Triangle: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Cobra Commander|Cobra Triangle: Complete every level in the game over time.|15| |Serpentine!|Cobra Triangle: Over time, perform 50 post-challenge spins.|15| |Pod Person|Cobra Triangle: Collect 100 Power-Up Pods over time.|15| |Believe a Boat Can Fly|Cobra Triangle: Over time, score a cumulative total of 1,500,000 points.|15| |Made a Splash|Complete a Cobra Triangle snapshot.|10| |Overboard|Complete all of the Cobra Triangle snapshots.|25| *Conker's Bad Fur Day |The Day is Just Beginning|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Play the game for the first time.|20| |Paws For Fort|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Beach in multiplayer.|20| |Out of the Frying Pan...|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Raptor in multiplayer.|20| |They Pull You Back In|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Heist in multiplayer.|20| |Warmonger|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of War in multiplayer.|20| |Tanks a Lot|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Tank in multiplayer.|20| |Hover Bananas|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Race in multiplayer.|20| |Stop Looking at My Screen!|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Deathmatch in multiplayer.|20| |Conker's Quest|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Collect $2310 throughout the game.|20| |Long Live The King|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Over time, complete all of the game's chapters.|20| |Conked Out|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Meet Gregg.|30| |'Easy' Does It|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Use a cheat code.|30| マルチプレイはAI相手でもプレイできる。 ---- *Digger T. Rock |I Can Dig It|Digger T. Rock: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Mysterious City of Old|Digger T. Rock: Complete every cavern in the game over time.|15| |We Need To Go Deeper|Digger T. Rock: Over time, use 25 supplies to help you descend.|15| |Shovel Nightmare|Digger T. Rock: Defeat 250 enemies over time.|15| |Buried Treasures|Digger T. Rock: Over time, earn a cumulative total of 500,000 points.|15| |Added Depth|Complete a Digger T. Rock snapshot.|10| |You Rock|Complete all of the Digger T. Rock snapshots.|25| *Grabbed by the Ghoulies(グーリーズ) |Over At the Frankenstein Place|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Play the game for the first time|20| |Eviction Notice|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Complete the game.|20| |Twenty/Twenty Vision|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Complete Challenges 1-20 on a single game save.|20| |Cover to Cover|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Collect every Bonus Book over time.|20| |Property is Theft|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Cause $500,000 of damage over time|20| |The Only Ghoul In The World|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Encounter every type of Ghouly.|20| |Canned Projects|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Over time, sample every Soupswill Super Soup.|20| |The Future of Gaming|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Over time, survive 20 Super Scary Shocks.|20| |Over-Baron Attitude|Grabbed by the Ghouiles: Collect five platinum medals over time.|20| |Bruised Knuckles|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Defeat 1000 Ghoulies over time.|20| |Amber Warning|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Complete Challenge 21|30| |Don't Want Any Trouble|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Get through the Ballroom without starting a fight.|30| |I Don't Want To Go!|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Defeat the Reaper!|30| -Don't Want Any Trouble chapter 2のEmbassy Ballroom のダンスフロア内で戦闘を起こさずにクリア。 柵内に入る前に飛び道具で出口を塞いでいる敵を処理しておく。 -I Don't Want To Go! 割れる窓がある面で禁則事項を破ってReaperを呼び出し、 広範囲武器などでダウンを奪ったあと殴り続けて窓まで運び、外まで叩きだせば解除。 -Amber Warning チャレンジ21はチャレンジ1~20全てを金メダル以上獲得でアンロックされ、 最大ハート10のAmberでストーリーを一通りプレイする内容。(進行はセーブされる) なお、最後の一連の時間制限ステージは、時間切れになってもクリア扱いになり実績解除もされる。 *Gunfright |New Sheriff in Town|Gunfright: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Ask Questions Later|Gunfright: Over time, fire 250 bullets.|15| |Hi-ho, Panto, Away!|Gunfright: Over time, spend five minutes on horseback.|15| |Drawn Out|Gunfright: Beat all 20 duels in the game over time.|15| |Waging War|Gunfright: Shoot 100 money bags over time.|15| |Take a Look at the Lawman|Complete a Gunfright snapshot.|10| |How the West Was Won|Complete all of the Gunfright snapshots.|25| -Hi-ho, Panto, Away! 穴の開いた動物の死骸のようなものが馬。 -Drawn Out 賞金首は移動していて、飛び跳ねているNPCが指をさしている方向にいる。 *Jet Force Gemini(スターツインズ) |Forced Apart|Jet Force Gemini: Play the game for the first time.|20| |No Place Like Home|Jet Force Gemini: Defeat Mizar and his boss minions.|20| |There's No "I" in Team|Jet Force Gemini: Spend time playing as Juno, Vela and Lupus.|20| |Jetman's Day Off|Jet Force Gemini: Find all of the ship parts over time.|20| |Shoot Ants, Save Bears|Jet Force Gemini: Save all of the Tribals over time.|20| |Totes Amazing|Jet Force Gemini: Activate all of the totem poles over time.|20| |Floyd is Not a Funny Shape|Jet Force Gemini: Get a medal in every Floyd Mission over time.|20| |Memento Mori|Jet Force Gemini: Over time, collect 300 Ant Heads.|20| |War Stories|Jet Force Gemini: Over time, use every weapon in the game.|20| |Exterminator|Jet Force Gemini: Defeat 1000 different enemies across the game.|20| |Shore Leave|Jet Force Gemini: Why not try feeding the fish?|30| |Now That's Dedication|Jet Force Gemini: Request a song from the DJ.|30| -Floyd is Not a Funny Shape リリース時点ではバグのため解除できないと言われていたが、 Floydの出る全ミッションで銀以上のメダルを獲得すれば解除できるとのこと。 -Memento Mori 敵を倒したときにランダムで頭がドロップするのでそれを累計300個集める。 シュリケンで倒した場合は頭が確定でドロップする。 ---- *Jetpac |Join the Jet Set|Jetpac: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Rising Star|Jetpac: Blast off from every single level over time.|15| |Distant Points of Light|Jetpac: Rack up 250,000 points over time.|15| |Pac it Away|Jetpac: Add 250 fuel pods to rockets over time.|15| |Eradic-8|Jetpac: Defeat 1500 enemies over time.|15| |Unphased|Complete a Jetpac snapshot.|10| |They Came From Outer Space|Jetpac: Complete all of the Jetpac snapshots.|25| *Killer Instinct Gold |No Time For Diplomacy|Killer Instinct Gold: Play the game for the first time.|20| |An Adventure in Time and Space|Killer Instinct Gold: Visit every location in the game over time.|20| |K-Lobb-erative Effort|Killer Instinct Gold: Play as every character over time.|20| |Those Who Fight Furthest|Killer Instinct Gold: Complete Arcade Mode on Easy difficulty or above.|20| |Brute Force|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform 25 Master (or above) Combos.|20| |Ready to Launch|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform five Ultra Combos over time.|20| |Expiration Date|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform five No Mercy or Fatality finishers over time.|20| |Dojo Mojo|Killer Instinct Gold: Sample every single game mode.|20| |Didn't Break a Sweat|Killer Instinct Gold: Get 25 Supreme Victories in Arcade Mode over time.|20| |Streaky Breakin'|Killer Instinct Gold: Get a win streak of ten or more in Arcade Mode.|20| |A Historic Victory|Killer Instinct Gold: Play as Gargos in any mode.|30| |More Than Just a Meme|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform a C-C-C-Combo Breaker!|30| *Knight Lore |Opening Knight|Knight Lore: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Melkhior's Apprentice|Knight Lore: Over time, add every type of ingredient into the cauldron.|15| |Long in the Tooth|Knight Lore: Survive for 40 days.|15| |Destination: Mire Mare|Knight Lore: Break Sabreman's curse.|15| |I Four'd the Lore|Knight Lore: Visit the four corners of the map over time.|15| |Sheep's Clothing|Complete a Knight Lore snapshot.|10| |Lycanography|Complete all of the Knight Lore snapshots.|25| *Lunar Jetman |Strange New Worlds|Lunar Jetman: Play the game for the first time.|15| |No Bug-Eyed Monsters|Lunar Jetman: Rack up 200,000 points over time.|15| |Space Cowboy|Lunar Jetman: Reach Level 10.|15| |We Were The Invaders|Lunar Jetman: Defeat 500 enemies over time.|15| |Unbridled Curiosity|Lunar Jetman: Over time, travel 250 Moon Units in the Hyperglide Moon Rover.|15| |The Shoulder of Orion|Complete a Lunar Jetman snapshot.|10| |Over the Moon|Complete all of the Lunar Jetman snapshots.|25| -Space Cowboy ミサイル基地を爆弾で破壊するか、発射されたミサイルを迎撃すればLevelクリア。 レーザーによるミサイル迎撃が間に合わない場合は体当たりでもクリアとなるので、 時間制限が厳しく攻撃の激しくなる後半も残機を残しておけば難しくはない。 -No Bug-Eyed Monsters ニューゲーム直後右に進むと落ちているキャノンを拾って ローバーに装着してから乗り込み、右を向けてセーブ。 攻撃ボタン押しっぱでミサイル直撃まで放置すると10000点程度になるのでロードして繰り返す。 *R.C. Pro-Am |Start Your Engines|R.C. Pro-Am: Play the game for the first time.|15| |The Beaten Track|R.C. Pro-Am: Finish every track in the game over time.|15| |A White Flag With Black Squares...|R.C. Pro-Am: Get 25 first place results over time.|15| |Little Cars, Big Ambitions|R.C. Pro-Am: Complete 100 laps over time.|15| |Get a Grip!|R.C. Pro-Am: Collect 50 upgrades over time.|15| |Mechanical Sandwich|Complete an R.C. Pro-Am snapshot.|10| |Victory Lap|Complete all of the R.C. Pro-Am snapshots.|25| *R.C. Pro-Am II |Can't Stop the Signal|R.C. Pro-Am II: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Touring Car Champion|R.C. Pro-Am II: Finish every track in the game over time.|15| |...Or a Black Flag With White Squares?|R.C. Pro-Am II: Get 25 first place results over time.|15| |Can I Borrow Someone's Charger?|R.C. Pro-Am II: Complete 100 laps over time.|15| |A Force to be Reckoned With|R.C. Pro-Am II: Purchase 50 upgrades over time.|15| |Step On the Gas!|Complete an R.C. Pro-Am II snapshot.|10| |Life in the Fast Lane|Complete all of the R.C. Pro-Am II snapshots.|25| *Sabre Wulf |Sabre Rattling|Sabre Wulf: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Breaking a Few Eggs|Sabre Wulf: Find each of the four amulet pieces.|15| |Horticultural Icon|Sabre Wulf: Find every color of orchid over time.|15| |Sabreman Stampede|Sabre Wulf: Over time, find all five Jungle Huts around the map.|15| |Sequel Hook|Sabre Wulf: Enter the Underwurlde.|15| |Stiff Upper Lip|Complete a Sabre Wulf snapshot.|10| |Wulf Down|Complete all of the Sabre Wulf snapshots.|25| *Slalom |Let the Games Begin|Slalom: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Not So Nasty|Slalom: Over time, finish every course in the game.|15| |Falling With Style|Slalom: Over time, earn a total of 100 freestyle points.|15| |Ahead in the Poles|Slalom: Over time, score 500 fast travel points.|15| |How Does One Apply The Brakes?|Slalom: Ski for five kilometers over time.|15| |Gate Review|Completed a Slalom snapshot.|10| |All Downhill From Here|Complete all of the Slalom snapshots.|25| *Snake Rattle N Roll |Snakedown Cruise|Snake Rattle N Roll: play the game for the first time.|15| |Snakes in Space|Snake Rattle N Roll: complete every level in the game over time.|15| |Peckish for Pibbleys|Snake Rattle N Roll: Eat a total of 250 Nibbley Pibbleys over time.|15| |Indigestion|Snake Rattle N Roll: Earn 100 tail extensions over time.|15| |Tongue Lashing|Snake Rattle N Roll: Get a cumulative total of 1,000,000 points over time.|15| |Sneaky Snake|Complete a Snake Rattle N Roll snapshot.|10| |Win Screen Vipers|Complete all of the Snake Rattle N Roll snapshots.|25| -Snakes in Space 最終ステージが鬼門。 ステージ自体は岩を避けながら旗を持った敵を倒すシンプルなステージだが、耐久値が高いだけでなく一定時間(ダメージを与えた際の点滅がなくなると完全にアウト)ダメージを受けなければ耐久値が全快するらしく敵に接触せず一定の距離を保ちながら敵を撃破するまで攻撃をし続けなければならない。 *Solar Jetman |Lonely Out in Space|Solar Jetman: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Heart of Gold|Solar Jetman: Collect all pieces of the Golden Warpship over time.|15| |Interstellar Trading|Solar Jetman: Use all three jetpods over time.|15| |Newton's Revenge|Solar Jetman: Over time, tow 50 items back to the mothership.|15| |Salvage Operation|Solar Jetman: Over time, score a cumulative total of 100,000.|15| |Defying Gravity|Complete a Solar Jetman snapshot.|10| |Solar Flair|Complete all of the Solar Jetman snapshots.|25| -Heart of Gold 全てのパーツを収集とはあるが実際には最終ステージに進行すれば解除できるので全ての惑星をクリアする必要はない。 最短は1→7→8→13→12の5つの惑星クリアだが、8つ目の惑星以外のワープゾーンに入るのは難しく1からワープした場合機体のアップグレードがほぼできないため難易度が大きく上昇する。 少しでも手間を減らすためInterstellar Tradingなど他の実績解除と並行しつつ惑星を順番にクリアしていきワープゾーンに入りやすい8から13ワープし難易度の高い後半の惑星を飛ばすのが若干楽か。 *Underwurlde |A Whole New Wurlde|Underwurlde: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Unfiended|Underwurlde: Over time, defeat all of the Underwurlde Guardians.|15| |No Pushover|Underwurlde: defeat 1000 enemies over time.|15| |One out of Three Ain't Bad|Underwurlde: Escape from the Underwurlde|15| |All the Time in the Wurlde|Underwurlde: Explore the Underwurlde from top to bottom over time.|15| |Jump To It|Complete an Underwurlde snapshot.|10| |Back From the Abyss|Complete all of the Underwurlde snapshots.|25| ----
Rare Replay 項目数:200 総ポイント:4000 (+360タイトル 6050) 難易度:★★★★☆ 収録タイトル中、360でリリースされたものに関しては後方互換で作動する。 そのため実績も360時代のものを共有するので、過去に該当タイトルをプレイしていると 価格対実績は悪くなるが、プレーヤーランク実績の獲得やレアリプレイのコンプは早まる。 本タイトルをコンプするには、スタンプ330個が必要になる。 この条件を満たすには、 -レトロタイトルのスナップショット、マイルストーンのコンプ -N64と初代Xboxタイトルのマイルストーンのコンプ -360互換タイトルの実績を75%以上解除(ガレージ大作戦のみ750/1250で可) それを加味すると、Jet Force Gemini、Blast Corps、 バトルトードの「Beyond the Impossible」、グーリーズの「Amber Warning」 純粋に難しいパーフェクトダーク2本、時間の掛かるピニャータ2本辺りが鬼門になってくる。 任意セーブ可能なレトロゲームの回数系実績はセーブ&ロードで簡単に回数を稼げる。 但しLTの巻き戻しではカウントは蓄積されない。 また残機無限などのゲーム内チートを使用しても実績を解除できるので難易度を下げることができる。 パーフェクトダークゼロはレアリプレイに付随する「レアリプレイロゴあり」のものは、日本ストアでDLしても英語版オンリー。 だが、通常の360互換のもの(ロゴなし)は日本ストアでDLすると日本語版になる。 余談になるが今作のDL版を購入している場合、ゴールデンアイ007が無料でDL出来るようになる。 但し、上記は非ローカライズ(実績は日本語化)となる。 -360後方互換起動(360wikiへリンク) --[[Perfect Dark Zero>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/31.html]] --[[パーフェクトダーク>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/969.html]] --[[バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/555.html]] --[[バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険2>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/739.html]] --[[バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険:ガレージ大作戦>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/588.html]](感染実績有) --[[あつまれ!ピニャータ>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/112.html]] --[[あつまれ!ピニャータ2>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/506.html]](Oneではカメラ実績30G解除不可) --[[カメオ>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/23.html]] --[[Jetpac Refuelled>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/192.html]](感染実績有) #contents ---- *ゲーム全体 |The Explorer's Diary|Sampled every Sabreman game in the collection.|30| |The Captain's Logs|Sampled every Jetman game in the collection.|30| |The Gardener's Almanac|Sampled every Viva Pinata game in the collection.|30| |The Honey Bear's Tales|Sampled every Banjo game in the collection.|30| |The Operative's Diaries|Sampled every Perfect Dark game in the collection.|30| |The Professor's Memoirs|Sampled every Battletoads game in the collection.|30| |A Great Escape|Complete the Escape Artist Playlist.|30| |Jewel Thief|Complete the Crowing Jewels Playlist.|30| |Fleet-Footed|Complete the Relay Racing Playlist.|30| |And the Kitchen Sink|Complete the Collect-a-thon Playlist.|30| |Taking Point|Complete the Blast Score Playlist.|30| |Long Lifespan|Complete the Precious Seconds Playlist.|30| |Theater Patron|Filled up your first Ticket with Stamps.|10| |Up in the Gods|Earn the Player Rank of Follower.|10| |A Gallery Seat|Earn the Player Rank of "Enthusiast".|20| |A Spot in the Stalls|Earn the Player Rank of "Aficionado".|30| |VIP Box Suite|Earn the Player Rank of "Ambassador".|40| |Backstage Pass|Earn the Player Rank of "Rare Royalty".|50| |The Director's Chair|Viewed all the "Making Of" features in Rare Revealed.|30| |The Production Office|Viewed all of the "Concept Showcases" in Rare Revealed.|30| |The Writer's Room|Viewed all of the "Previously Unseen" features in Rare Revealed.|30| |The Store Cupboard|Viewed all of the "Featurettes" in Rare Revealed.|30| |1-Upmanship|Complete any Playlist without losing a life.|30| |Curtain Call|Watch the credits. They're fun, we promise.|30| |The Orchestra Pit|Listened to all of the "Top-Secret Tunes" in Rare Revealed.|30| |Stampers Forever|Earn the most coveted title in the game!|150| -Backstage Pass MILESTONEの項目やスナップショットをクリアしていくとスタンプが捺され、ランクが上がる。 リプレイ内臓タイトルは実績条件を満たしたり、スナップショットチャレンジをクリアすると授与。 後方互換タイトルは実績値によってスタンプが授与。 XBLAタイトル(JetPac:Re、バンカズ1,2、パーフェクトダーク)は実績15刻みで1つ、150でコンプ。 パッケージタイトルは実績75刻みで1つ、750でコンプ。 -Curtain Call クレジットは最初の画面でスタートボタンを押すと選択できる。 最後まで見終えると解除。 ---- *Atic Atac |Back in Atic|Atic Atac: Play the game for the first time.|15| |You are the Keymaster|Atic Atac: Escape from the castle with any character.|15| |Inventory Management|Atic Atac: Over time, have every holdable item in your inventory.|15| |Redefine Keys|Atic Atac: Use keys to unlock 100 doors over time.|15| |Three-Pronged Atac|Atic Atac: Over time, escape from the castle with all three characters.|15| |A.C.G. Whizz|Complete an Atic Atac snapshot.|10| |Lofty Goals|Complete all of the Atic Atac snapshots.|25| *Battletoads |Do You Have Battletoads?|Battletoads: Play the game for the first time.|15| |The Dark Queen's Lament|Battletoads: Complete every level in the game over time.|15| |Battlemaniacs|Battletoads: Knock down 500 enemies over time.|15| |De-Bug Mode|Battletoads: Eat 50 flies over time.|15| |Gargantuan Score|Battletoads: Get a cumulative total of 1,000,000 points over time.|15| |No Flies On You|Complete a Battletoads snapshot.|10| |Child of the 90s|Complete all of the Battletoads snapshots.|25| |Beyond the Impossible|Battletoads: Complete a loop of Turbo Tunnel Infinite.|30| -The Dark Queen's Lament ボス戦以外はチェックポイントからの戻り復活になるので残機無限でのごり押しが効きにくい。 特にLevel 11が他の乗り物ステージと比べて格段に難しくボス戦までチェックポイントがなく、自機より速い敵に追いつかれないようにゴール地点までいかなければならない。 曲がり角で速度が落ちやすくタイミングよく曲がった時しか自機の速度が速くならないので、曲がるタイミングで一時停止を繰り返しタイヤの向きを確認し進行方向に合わせて移動ボタンを押していけば追いつかれにくくなる。 -Beyond the Impossible SNAPSHOT3でマップをループさせれば解除。 一周させるには約2分15秒経過させる必要がある。SNAPSHOTなので巻き戻し、セーブ&ロードの救済措置が利用できないので難易度はかなり高い。 *Battletoads Arcade |Insert Coin|Battletoads Arcade: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Finish the Fight|Battletoads Arcade: Complete every stage in the game over time.|15| |No Three-Toad Sloth|Battletoads Arcade: Over time, beat the game with all three 'toads.|15| |A Particular Set of Skills|Battletoads Arcade: Over time, defeat 1000 enemies with standard attacks.|15| |Cruel and Unusual Punishments|Battletoads Arcade: Over time, defeat 100 enemies with Smash Hit attacks.|15| |Rash Action|Complete a Battletoads Arcade snapshot.|10| |Quartermaster|Complete all of the Battletoads Arcade snapshots.|25| -Cruel and Unusual Punishments ダウン敵への追撃フィニッシュでカウント。 敵が複数いると、割り込まれたり投げに化けたりしやすいので 意外と意識しないと回数を稼ぎにくい。 *Blast Corps(ブラストドーザー) |Force Feedback|Blast Corps: Play the game for the first time.|20| |Time to Get Movin'!|Blast Corps: Try out every vehicle over time.|20| |Carrier Bagged|Blast Corps: Over time, clear a path for the carrier on every stage.|20| |Renegade Dismantler Corps|Blast Corps: Over time, destroy all buildings on every stage.|20| |RDU, ICU|Blast Corps: Over time, find all the RDUs on every stage.|20| |Corps Blimey, Guvnor!|Blast Corps: Over time, find all the CPs on every stage.|20| |International Rescuers|Blast Corps: Over time, rescue all survivors on every level.|20| |Pedal to the Medal|Blast Corps: Over time, earn a medal on every bonus stage.|20| |Esprit de Corps|Blast Corps: Reach a Rank of 20|20| |Testing Times|Blast Corps: Earn a Platinum Medal.|20| |For Science|Blast Corps: Locate the six missing scientists.|30| |Easter Eggheads|Blast Corps: Cause $30,000,000 of damage in a single stage.|30| -Testing Times いずれかのステージでプラチナメダルを獲得すれば解除。 しかしプラチナメダルが獲得できるようにするには全ステージでゴールドメダルを取得しなければならない。 そのためこの実績が解除できるようになる頃には「Time to Get Movin'!」以外は解除される。 -Time to Get Movin'! 全ての乗り物に乗れば解除。 CRYSTAL RIFTのミニバン(黒色のバン)以外は博士の探索、建物の破壊、RDU起動をこなしていれば乗れる機会がある。 *Cobra Triangle |Getting Your Sea Legs|Cobra Triangle: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Cobra Commander|Cobra Triangle: Complete every level in the game over time.|15| |Serpentine!|Cobra Triangle: Over time, perform 50 post-challenge spins.|15| |Pod Person|Cobra Triangle: Collect 100 Power-Up Pods over time.|15| |Believe a Boat Can Fly|Cobra Triangle: Over time, score a cumulative total of 1,500,000 points.|15| |Made a Splash|Complete a Cobra Triangle snapshot.|10| |Overboard|Complete all of the Cobra Triangle snapshots.|25| *Conker's Bad Fur Day |The Day is Just Beginning|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Play the game for the first time.|20| |Paws For Fort|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Beach in multiplayer.|20| |Out of the Frying Pan...|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Raptor in multiplayer.|20| |They Pull You Back In|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Heist in multiplayer.|20| |Warmonger|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of War in multiplayer.|20| |Tanks a Lot|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Tank in multiplayer.|20| |Hover Bananas|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Race in multiplayer.|20| |Stop Looking at My Screen!|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Finish five games of Deathmatch in multiplayer.|20| |Conker's Quest|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Collect $2310 throughout the game.|20| |Long Live The King|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Over time, complete all of the game's chapters.|20| |Conked Out|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Meet Gregg.|30| |'Easy' Does It|Conker's Bad Fur Day: Use a cheat code.|30| マルチプレイはAI相手でもプレイできる。 ---- *Digger T. Rock |I Can Dig It|Digger T. Rock: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Mysterious City of Old|Digger T. Rock: Complete every cavern in the game over time.|15| |We Need To Go Deeper|Digger T. Rock: Over time, use 25 supplies to help you descend.|15| |Shovel Nightmare|Digger T. Rock: Defeat 250 enemies over time.|15| |Buried Treasures|Digger T. Rock: Over time, earn a cumulative total of 500,000 points.|15| |Added Depth|Complete a Digger T. Rock snapshot.|10| |You Rock|Complete all of the Digger T. Rock snapshots.|25| *Grabbed by the Ghoulies(グーリーズ) |Over At the Frankenstein Place|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Play the game for the first time|20| |Eviction Notice|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Complete the game.|20| |Twenty/Twenty Vision|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Complete Challenges 1-20 on a single game save.|20| |Cover to Cover|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Collect every Bonus Book over time.|20| |Property is Theft|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Cause $500,000 of damage over time|20| |The Only Ghoul In The World|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Encounter every type of Ghouly.|20| |Canned Projects|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Over time, sample every Soupswill Super Soup.|20| |The Future of Gaming|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Over time, survive 20 Super Scary Shocks.|20| |Over-Baron Attitude|Grabbed by the Ghouiles: Collect five platinum medals over time.|20| |Bruised Knuckles|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Defeat 1000 Ghoulies over time.|20| |Amber Warning|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Complete Challenge 21|30| |Don't Want Any Trouble|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Get through the Ballroom without starting a fight.|30| |I Don't Want To Go!|Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Defeat the Reaper!|30| -Don't Want Any Trouble chapter 2のEmbassy Ballroom のダンスフロア内で戦闘を起こさずにクリア。 柵内に入る前に飛び道具で出口を塞いでいる敵を処理しておく。 -I Don't Want To Go! 割れる窓がある面で禁則事項を破ってReaperを呼び出し、 広範囲武器などでダウンを奪ったあと殴り続けて窓まで運び、外まで叩きだせば解除。 -Amber Warning チャレンジ21はチャレンジ1~20全てを金メダル以上獲得でアンロックされ、 最大ハート10のAmberでストーリーを一通りプレイする内容。(進行はセーブされる) なお、最後の一連の時間制限ステージは、時間切れになってもクリア扱いになり実績解除もされる。 *Gunfright |New Sheriff in Town|Gunfright: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Ask Questions Later|Gunfright: Over time, fire 250 bullets.|15| |Hi-ho, Panto, Away!|Gunfright: Over time, spend five minutes on horseback.|15| |Drawn Out|Gunfright: Beat all 20 duels in the game over time.|15| |Waging War|Gunfright: Shoot 100 money bags over time.|15| |Take a Look at the Lawman|Complete a Gunfright snapshot.|10| |How the West Was Won|Complete all of the Gunfright snapshots.|25| -Hi-ho, Panto, Away! 穴の開いた動物の死骸のようなものが馬。 -Drawn Out 賞金首は移動していて、飛び跳ねているNPCが指をさしている方向にいる。 *Jet Force Gemini(スターツインズ) |Forced Apart|Jet Force Gemini: Play the game for the first time.|20| |No Place Like Home|Jet Force Gemini: Defeat Mizar and his boss minions.|20| |There's No "I" in Team|Jet Force Gemini: Spend time playing as Juno, Vela and Lupus.|20| |Jetman's Day Off|Jet Force Gemini: Find all of the ship parts over time.|20| |Shoot Ants, Save Bears|Jet Force Gemini: Save all of the Tribals over time.|20| |Totes Amazing|Jet Force Gemini: Activate all of the totem poles over time.|20| |Floyd is Not a Funny Shape|Jet Force Gemini: Get a medal in every Floyd Mission over time.|20| |Memento Mori|Jet Force Gemini: Over time, collect 300 Ant Heads.|20| |War Stories|Jet Force Gemini: Over time, use every weapon in the game.|20| |Exterminator|Jet Force Gemini: Defeat 1000 different enemies across the game.|20| |Shore Leave|Jet Force Gemini: Why not try feeding the fish?|30| |Now That's Dedication|Jet Force Gemini: Request a song from the DJ.|30| -Floyd is Not a Funny Shape リリース時点ではバグのため解除できないと言われていたが、 Floydの出る全ミッションで銀以上のメダルを獲得すれば解除できるとのこと。 -Memento Mori 敵を倒したときにランダムで頭がドロップするのでそれを累計300個集める。 シュリケンで倒した場合は頭が確定でドロップする。 ---- *Jetpac |Join the Jet Set|Jetpac: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Rising Star|Jetpac: Blast off from every single level over time.|15| |Distant Points of Light|Jetpac: Rack up 250,000 points over time.|15| |Pac it Away|Jetpac: Add 250 fuel pods to rockets over time.|15| |Eradic-8|Jetpac: Defeat 1500 enemies over time.|15| |Unphased|Complete a Jetpac snapshot.|10| |They Came From Outer Space|Jetpac: Complete all of the Jetpac snapshots.|25| *Killer Instinct Gold |No Time For Diplomacy|Killer Instinct Gold: Play the game for the first time.|20| |An Adventure in Time and Space|Killer Instinct Gold: Visit every location in the game over time.|20| |K-Lobb-erative Effort|Killer Instinct Gold: Play as every character over time.|20| |Those Who Fight Furthest|Killer Instinct Gold: Complete Arcade Mode on Easy difficulty or above.|20| |Brute Force|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform 25 Master (or above) Combos.|20| |Ready to Launch|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform five Ultra Combos over time.|20| |Expiration Date|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform five No Mercy or Fatality finishers over time.|20| |Dojo Mojo|Killer Instinct Gold: Sample every single game mode.|20| |Didn't Break a Sweat|Killer Instinct Gold: Get 25 Supreme Victories in Arcade Mode over time.|20| |Streaky Breakin'|Killer Instinct Gold: Get a win streak of ten or more in Arcade Mode.|20| |A Historic Victory|Killer Instinct Gold: Play as Gargos in any mode.|30| |More Than Just a Meme|Killer Instinct Gold: Perform a C-C-C-Combo Breaker!|30| *Knight Lore |Opening Knight|Knight Lore: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Melkhior's Apprentice|Knight Lore: Over time, add every type of ingredient into the cauldron.|15| |Long in the Tooth|Knight Lore: Survive for 40 days.|15| |Destination: Mire Mare|Knight Lore: Break Sabreman's curse.|15| |I Four'd the Lore|Knight Lore: Visit the four corners of the map over time.|15| |Sheep's Clothing|Complete a Knight Lore snapshot.|10| |Lycanography|Complete all of the Knight Lore snapshots.|25| *Lunar Jetman |Strange New Worlds|Lunar Jetman: Play the game for the first time.|15| |No Bug-Eyed Monsters|Lunar Jetman: Rack up 200,000 points over time.|15| |Space Cowboy|Lunar Jetman: Reach Level 10.|15| |We Were The Invaders|Lunar Jetman: Defeat 500 enemies over time.|15| |Unbridled Curiosity|Lunar Jetman: Over time, travel 250 Moon Units in the Hyperglide Moon Rover.|15| |The Shoulder of Orion|Complete a Lunar Jetman snapshot.|10| |Over the Moon|Complete all of the Lunar Jetman snapshots.|25| -Space Cowboy ミサイル基地を爆弾で破壊するか、発射されたミサイルを迎撃すればLevelクリア。 レーザーによるミサイル迎撃が間に合わない場合は体当たりでもクリアとなるので、 時間制限が厳しく攻撃の激しくなる後半も残機を残しておけば難しくはない。 -No Bug-Eyed Monsters ニューゲーム直後右に進むと落ちているキャノンを拾って ローバーに装着してから乗り込み、右を向けてセーブ。 攻撃ボタン押しっぱでミサイル直撃まで放置すると10000点程度になるのでロードして繰り返す。 *R.C. Pro-Am |Start Your Engines|R.C. Pro-Am: Play the game for the first time.|15| |The Beaten Track|R.C. Pro-Am: Finish every track in the game over time.|15| |A White Flag With Black Squares...|R.C. Pro-Am: Get 25 first place results over time.|15| |Little Cars, Big Ambitions|R.C. Pro-Am: Complete 100 laps over time.|15| |Get a Grip!|R.C. Pro-Am: Collect 50 upgrades over time.|15| |Mechanical Sandwich|Complete an R.C. Pro-Am snapshot.|10| |Victory Lap|Complete all of the R.C. Pro-Am snapshots.|25| *R.C. Pro-Am II |Can't Stop the Signal|R.C. Pro-Am II: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Touring Car Champion|R.C. Pro-Am II: Finish every track in the game over time.|15| |...Or a Black Flag With White Squares?|R.C. Pro-Am II: Get 25 first place results over time.|15| |Can I Borrow Someone's Charger?|R.C. Pro-Am II: Complete 100 laps over time.|15| |A Force to be Reckoned With|R.C. Pro-Am II: Purchase 50 upgrades over time.|15| |Step On the Gas!|Complete an R.C. Pro-Am II snapshot.|10| |Life in the Fast Lane|Complete all of the R.C. Pro-Am II snapshots.|25| *Sabre Wulf |Sabre Rattling|Sabre Wulf: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Breaking a Few Eggs|Sabre Wulf: Find each of the four amulet pieces.|15| |Horticultural Icon|Sabre Wulf: Find every color of orchid over time.|15| |Sabreman Stampede|Sabre Wulf: Over time, find all five Jungle Huts around the map.|15| |Sequel Hook|Sabre Wulf: Enter the Underwurlde.|15| |Stiff Upper Lip|Complete a Sabre Wulf snapshot.|10| |Wulf Down|Complete all of the Sabre Wulf snapshots.|25| *Slalom |Let the Games Begin|Slalom: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Not So Nasty|Slalom: Over time, finish every course in the game.|15| |Falling With Style|Slalom: Over time, earn a total of 100 freestyle points.|15| |Ahead in the Poles|Slalom: Over time, score 500 fast travel points.|15| |How Does One Apply The Brakes?|Slalom: Ski for five kilometers over time.|15| |Gate Review|Completed a Slalom snapshot.|10| |All Downhill From Here|Complete all of the Slalom snapshots.|25| *Snake Rattle N Roll |Snakedown Cruise|Snake Rattle N Roll: play the game for the first time.|15| |Snakes in Space|Snake Rattle N Roll: complete every level in the game over time.|15| |Peckish for Pibbleys|Snake Rattle N Roll: Eat a total of 250 Nibbley Pibbleys over time.|15| |Indigestion|Snake Rattle N Roll: Earn 100 tail extensions over time.|15| |Tongue Lashing|Snake Rattle N Roll: Get a cumulative total of 1,000,000 points over time.|15| |Sneaky Snake|Complete a Snake Rattle N Roll snapshot.|10| |Win Screen Vipers|Complete all of the Snake Rattle N Roll snapshots.|25| -Snakes in Space 最終ステージが鬼門。 ステージ自体は岩を避けながら旗を持った敵を倒すシンプルなステージだが、耐久値が高いだけでなく一定時間(ダメージを与えた際の点滅がなくなると完全にアウト)ダメージを受けなければ耐久値が全快するらしく敵に接触せず一定の距離を保ちながら敵を撃破するまで攻撃をし続けなければならない。 *Solar Jetman |Lonely Out in Space|Solar Jetman: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Heart of Gold|Solar Jetman: Collect all pieces of the Golden Warpship over time.|15| |Interstellar Trading|Solar Jetman: Use all three jetpods over time.|15| |Newton's Revenge|Solar Jetman: Over time, tow 50 items back to the mothership.|15| |Salvage Operation|Solar Jetman: Over time, score a cumulative total of 100,000.|15| |Defying Gravity|Complete a Solar Jetman snapshot.|10| |Solar Flair|Complete all of the Solar Jetman snapshots.|25| -Heart of Gold 全てのパーツを収集とはあるが実際には最終ステージに進行すれば解除できるので全ての惑星をクリアする必要はない。 最短は1→7→8→13→12の5つの惑星クリアだが、8つ目の惑星以外のワープゾーンに入るのは難しく1からワープした場合機体のアップグレードがほぼできないため難易度が大きく上昇する。 少しでも手間を減らすためInterstellar Tradingなど他の実績解除と並行しつつ惑星を順番にクリアしていきワープゾーンに入りやすい8から13ワープし難易度の高い後半の惑星を飛ばすのが若干楽か。 *Underwurlde |A Whole New Wurlde|Underwurlde: Play the game for the first time.|15| |Unfiended|Underwurlde: Over time, defeat all of the Underwurlde Guardians.|15| |No Pushover|Underwurlde: defeat 1000 enemies over time.|15| |One out of Three Ain't Bad|Underwurlde: Escape from the Underwurlde|15| |All the Time in the Wurlde|Underwurlde: Explore the Underwurlde from top to bottom over time.|15| |Jump To It|Complete an Underwurlde snapshot.|10| |Back From the Abyss|Complete all of the Underwurlde snapshots.|25| ----

