「Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition」(2016/04/18 (月) 18:38:22) の最新版変更点



Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition 項目数:30 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆(ハードクリアとインフェルノチャレンジは+0.5程度) コンプまで15時間前後。 メインメニューでコナミコマンドを入力すれば、いきなりHard Modeをアンロックできる。 そのため、一周で実績コンプも可能ではあるが、Infierno challengesでGold Medalを獲得するのが難しくなるだけなのでお勧めしない。 |Viva La Resurrección|Became a Luchador|10| |That's one big Gato Frito|Dropped the Alebrije into the lava|10| |X'tabay-Bye|Redeemed X'tabay|30| |Snuffed Out|Extinguished Flame Face|30| |Licking his Wounds|Bested Jaguar Javier in hand-to-paw combat|30| |Power Within|Completed Uay Chivo's INTENSO training|20| |I swat you|Defeated a Chupacabra using only Slam|10| |Flawless|Defeated an arena without taking any damage|20| |Nooks and Crannies|Found 100% of the Hidden Items in a single area|20| |Combo Nerd|Achieved a 125 Hit Combo|20| |Pollo Power|Became a Chicken|20| |Last Straw|Destroyed Uay Chivo's fake statue in the Tule Tree|30| |"Next-gen!!"|Started a New Game on Save Slot #2|10| |Do or Do Not|Completed the first Combo Chicken Challenge|15| |No Encore!|Silenced El Trio de la Muerte permanently|15| |Cock of the Walk|Defeated an enemy using the Pollo Bomb|10| |Main Event|Defeated a Skeleton-Luchador|20| |That was INTENSE|Killed 20 Enemies in a single INTENSO sequence|50| |Lore Master|Helped those in need by completing all Side Quests|50| |I Have The Power|Purchased 20 Upgrades from the Shop|20| |Got to catch them all|Found an orb|30| |Poncho'd Out|Completed the Combo Chicken quest (Defeated Poncho forever)|25| |Heavyweight|Earned a Bronze Medal in all Infierno challenges|20| |The Never Ending Combo|Achieved a 200 Hit Combo|30| |That was Hard Mode?|Defeated the game on Hard Mode and proved yourself a hardcore Luchador|100| |Who put these here???|Achieved 100% completion in all areas|100| |World Champion|Mastered El Diablo's Domain and earned a Gold Medal in all Infierno challenges|50| |The Devil wears Revenge!|Defeated Calaca with full health in Diablo's Suit|30| |Boom-Shack-Calaca|Defeated Calaca|25| 秘密の実績 |El Savior|You found all of the Orbs and saved Lupita|150| -I swat you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvst44WbPsQ -Lore Master [[このあたり>http://www.trueachievements.com/a188154/lore-master-achievement.htm]]が画像付きで詳しいが、EnchiladaクエストのChiliesの画像は誤りで、正しくは[[この動画>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNaJrE-lcEY]]の3:29を参照。 -Heavyweight -World Champion -Cock of the Walk Pollo Bombが使えるようになるにはInfierno Challengeでゴールドメダル(シルバーでも可?)を10個獲得し、Diabloにタワー最上部へのエレベータを使わせてもらう必要がある。また、Infierno ChallengeのChamber 2でCombo NerdとThe Never Ending Comboの解除も狙える。 [[Infierno Challenge攻略>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2irNL_kzyY&list=PL2-TnIXD6C5YQ4O3t1u1QCObE3r7TKDMG]] -Who put these here??? -El Savior Orbsを全て集めれば、鶏状態でAを連打すると空を飛べるようになる。マップの仕掛けや敵をほとんどスルーできてアイテム収集が格段に楽になるので、まずはこちらを集めよう。 PS版とは仕様が異なるためか[[この動画>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIgBjiP642g]]にはないが、実際には上記したCock of the Walk解除時にタワー最上部でオーブを入手するので全7個。 収集物はマップをよく見て、特に鶏状態でのみ通れる道を見落とさないようにすれば、それほど難しいものではないはず。 ----
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition 項目数:35 (30+5) 総ポイント:1200 (1000+200) 難易度:★★☆☆☆ コンプまで15時間前後。 メインメニューでコナミコマンドを入力すれば、いきなりHard Modeをアンロックできる。 そのため、一周で実績コンプも可能ではあるが、Infierno challengesでGold Medalを獲得するのが難しくなるだけなのでお勧めしない。 |Viva La Resurrección|Became a Luchador|10| |That's one big Gato Frito|Dropped the Alebrije into the lava|10| |X'tabay-Bye|Redeemed X'tabay|30| |Snuffed Out|Extinguished Flame Face|30| |Licking his Wounds|Bested Jaguar Javier in hand-to-paw combat|30| |Power Within|Completed Uay Chivo's INTENSO training|20| |I swat you|Defeated a Chupacabra using only Slam|10| |Flawless|Defeated an arena without taking any damage|20| |Nooks and Crannies|Found 100% of the Hidden Items in a single area|20| |Combo Nerd|Achieved a 125 Hit Combo|20| |Pollo Power|Became a Chicken|20| |Last Straw|Destroyed Uay Chivo's fake statue in the Tule Tree|30| |"Next-gen!!"|Started a New Game on Save Slot #2|10| |Do or Do Not|Completed the first Combo Chicken Challenge|15| |No Encore!|Silenced El Trio de la Muerte permanently|15| |Cock of the Walk|Defeated an enemy using the Pollo Bomb|10| |Main Event|Defeated a Skeleton-Luchador|20| |That was INTENSE|Killed 20 Enemies in a single INTENSO sequence|50| |Lore Master|Helped those in need by completing all Side Quests|50| |I Have The Power|Purchased 20 Upgrades from the Shop|20| |Got to catch them all|Found an orb|30| |Poncho'd Out|Completed the Combo Chicken quest (Defeated Poncho forever)|25| |Heavyweight|Earned a Bronze Medal in all Infierno challenges|20| |The Never Ending Combo|Achieved a 200 Hit Combo|30| |That was Hard Mode?|Defeated the game on Hard Mode and proved yourself a hardcore Luchador|100| |Who put these here???|Achieved 100% completion in all areas|100| |World Champion|Mastered El Diablo's Domain and earned a Gold Medal in all Infierno challenges|50| |The Devil wears Revenge!|Defeated Calaca with full health in Diablo's Suit|30| |Boom-Shack-Calaca|Defeated Calaca|25| 秘密の実績 |El Savior|You found all of the Orbs and saved Lupita|150| "Frenemies" Character Pack |The Teacher Remains the Teacher|Defeat Javier Jaguar as Uay Chivo in an un-nerfed one-on-one rematch|100| |Greatest Tag-Team in History|Defeat the Great Temple's two Lightning Skeleton arenas on Hard, in co-op (or as Jaguar)|30| |Minuto de Silencio|Mourn the loss of the Alebrije while playing as X’Tabay|30| |Money to Burn|Snatch, grab and collect 5,000 pesos as Flame Face|30| |Dream Team|Defeat an arena with at least 2 players|10| -I swat you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvst44WbPsQ -Lore Master http://www.trueachievements.com/a188154/lore-master-achievement.htm このリンク先ではEnchiladaクエストのChiliesの画像が間違った画像になっているため 正しくは http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNaJrE-lcEY の3:29を参照。 -Cock of the Walk Pollo BombはInfierno Challengeでシルバーメダル以上を10個獲得し、シルバーメダルのエレベーターを利用した先で手に入る。 -Heavyweight -World Champion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2irNL_kzyY&list=PL2-TnIXD6C5YQ4O3t1u1QCObE3r7TKDMG -Who put these here??? Orbsを全て集めれば、鶏状態でAを連打すると空を飛べるようになる。マップの仕掛けや敵をほとんどスルーできてアイテム収集が格段に楽になる。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIgBjiP642g この動画は無印版の動画なため、STCEではInfierno Challengeでゴールドメダルを10個獲得し、ゴールドのエレベーターを利用した先でもう一つ手に入れる必要がある。 ----

